Advanced Food Chain Simulator

The simple Wa-Tor-like game simulates the dependencies between animals and their environment. It was programmed in 2004 during a secondary school project for biology class.

The simulation is written in Borland Delphi 5 and should run on Microsoft Windows 95 upwards. Unfortunately, the source code and the documentation are lost, but it may not be too hard to figure out the simulation options. The user interface is in German only.

image of a predator-prey simulation

The user can place single grass, rabbit, and fox tiles on the map. Parameters for energy, breeding values, and so on, can be altered as well. The simulation runs autonomously after clicking the [Start] button.

To install the simulation, just unzip the archive and start the executable Simulation.exe. The configuration is stored in a local INI file. The Windows Registry will not be touched.


zipfile (228.7 KiB)